Oh noes! It's another blog!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Apparently super famous and an extremely well established franchise worldwide, 鼎泰丰最著名的就是它的小笼包。

自从大概两三年起,TP的好友有事没事会跟我说鼎泰丰的小笼包有多好吃就多好吃,所以前两天决定去试一试。 老实说 DTF 的餐厅设计我还蛮喜欢,整个地方都是木木的,灯也有点淡黄,配搭起来相当舒服。

坐下后,翻了翻菜单,愣住了一下(大家都应该懂为什么),点了一笼十个XLBs. $8.50 嘛... 想想两个人吃还不算太贵。 小二端了两杯茶, 送上了热腾腾的笼子, 掀开了盖子, 期盼的时刻终于来临。

超怕烫的我小心翼翼地咬了那 XLB 的顶端一口,神奇的看着里面的肉馅和油润的汤汁,忍不住就把它解决了。 那 XLB 吃起来其实就像云吞,只是里面加了弄淡的酱清, 好吃是好吃,但可没想象中特别。

最后账单来了,看了直接晕 $8.50 不知怎么加,变成了 $12.10 =_= That's almost a 40% surcharge, which is ridiculous in my opinion. One XLB for $1.20?!

Score: 7.3
Price: Ridiculous

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Random Thought

Some people just don't shut up =(

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Random Thought


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tutu Kueh

There is no sweet snack I like more than pieces of fragrant flour with peanut or coconut filling placed on pandan leaves. But probably due to poor sustainability of such businesses, Tutu Kueh vendors become endangered, only appearing at neglected corners of pasar malams (night markets).

So this familiar craving of mine came again today. I went downstairs, and hunted down the Tutu Kueh stall with my keen sense of smell. Something on the sign left me stunned for half an eternity. WHAT?! $2 for 5?! And there I was a day ago, thinking that $1 for 3 is already rip-off =( At this rate of price increase, Tutu Kueh will become a luxury good in no time due to limited supply.

Then there was something else new on that board: 'New Flavour, Chocolate!' How can anyone resist blatant marketing efforts like that??? After all the inner turmoil and drama (which apprently didn't get the stall owner's attention), I reluctantly placed an order for 2x coconut, 2x peanut, and 1x chocolate Tutu Kuehs.

I always enjoy watching these little white angels come to form and more so, felt the need to create more worth for my $2. And then I carried home the little transparent plastic bag of goodness, half hopping like a happy girl.

*More unimportant nonsense*

What I'm trying to say here is, Tutu Kuehs no longer smell all nicey like they used to, and NEVER EVER try the chocolate ones! The taste of cocoa is a total misfit with Tutu flour, and it doesn't help when they use chocolate of the lowest grades.

Tutu Kueh of Past: 9.5/10

Tutu Kueh of Present: 6/10

Chocolate Tutu Kueh: 0.2/10


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Competitive Gaming

My previous post and a conversation with a friend made me want to write something about competitive gaming. You only can come so close to 'that' in Singapore (where nothing really works out), and the game Enemy Territory (ET) gave me a small slice of what it really feels like for the big boys up there in the global scene.

Basically ET is an objective driven First-Person Shooter with a World War 2 setting; where you plant dynamites, escort tanks, steal gold etc to win. I can safely say this is the single game with my most hours clocked (easily over 1000), and that is a lot.

This time spent doesn't neccesarily go to playing the game. A good portion of it we use for strategising, coordination, preparation for matches and most of all, to plan. I play with 4CE: a clan of like minded individuals, many of which don't have the stereotypical look you would expect gamers to have.

The competitive nature of this game led to community-organised tournaments and numerous clan matches, where teams (of 6 normally) fought against each other for supremacy. The most intense of matches normally require more focus, thought and energy than any final-year examination. And these matches possibly end with players shivering with adrenaline and experiencing euphoria (none of which is an exaggeration).

I then must say something about this feeling, which is a high you can't get from alcohol and possibly drugs. And when you believe adrenaline-heightened senses only appear in comics and movies, it is so not true. I think many other intensely competitive activities (e.g. sports, racing) can get people to feel like that, and is definitely something no one should miss in their lives.

g33ky guys sitting behind computer screens getting high might not be everyone's thing (no I'm not talking about watching porn). But anyone open minded enough might want to give competitive gaming a try, it really is a different kind of fun.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The worst hardware for gaming

An LCD monitor
Cheapo mousepad
Very old graphics card
Bitching mother

Supercool Ad

That's the URL to a supercool advertisement.

I salute the people behind this idea.
Score: 9.8/10

Deducted 0.2 for some bad camera angles

Friday, February 17, 2006

Johari Window Fun!

Come fill this in for me and go get your own, I'll fill in any of yours provided I know you personally.



(known to self and others)

complex, intelligent, patient, sentimental, wise

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

calm, caring, cheerful, clever, energetic, friendly, idealistic, independent, introverted, knowledgable, logical, mature, observant, organised, proud, reflective, relaxed, searching, self-assertive, sensible, silly, witty


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

able, accepting, adaptable, bold, brave, confident, dependable, dignified, extroverted, giving, happy, helpful, ingenious, kind, loving, modest, nervous, powerful, quiet, religious, responsive, self-conscious, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, trustworthy, warm

Dominant Traits

55% of people think that GaryGoh is observant

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Random Thought

People tend to put definitions to one thing too many.

Random Thought

People are normally less busy than they think they are.

By convincing oneself that he/she is busy, it somehow gives the individual a sadistic and false sense of accomplishment.

People normally have more free time than they claim they do.

People tend to use self-convinced busy-ness as an excuse for many things.

Random Thought

Youth is a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Final Destination

A seriously fucked up, explicitly gory and sadistic movie series, I recommend boycott.

Score: -10/10


Pretty and rich woman to be my wife. Preferably aged 16-21.
Please apply now! Limited vacancies!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The key is to embrace!

Food I've come to appreciate with time:
(age of acceptance in increasing order)

Cucumber slices that come with chicken rice
Pig organs
Sea Cucumber
Duck Fat

Things I still cannot bring myself to like:
(and don't think I willl ever like)

Almond Jelly


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chicken Supreme

In my opinion, the best Pizza Hut pizza EVER. Chunky, 腌得入味的鸡块 - generously spread on perfectly textured base is what tops this on my list. Seriously, the other toppings barely matter, because you do not expect bulk purchased button mushrooms and capsicums to have any taste at all.

Decently priced at $20+- for 2 regular-sized pan pizzas, it's a treat if anyone feels like its time for that monthly delivery meal.

Not to worry, this thing only becomes a disaster an hour or so after indulging in the succulent pleasures. The aftertaste is bad enough to kill. For the rest of a Chicken Supreme day, one would be chugging down glass after glass of plain water, realising its impossible to fight off MSG and Sodium aftereffects. Nothing edible should make anyone this uncomfortable, and it totally destroys the earlier experience. What a pity...

Score: 9.2/10 (During the meal), 1.9/10 (1 hour later)

Note: Chicken Supreme tastes best when piping hot.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Some people really doubt the quality of Singapore movies and rarely give them a chance in the cinema. After releases like 'I Do I Do', it's not hard to understand why that happens.

But 小孩不笨2 redeems Jack Neo's reputation: as a great movie to watch if anyone wants a summary into the life of hormone-raging teenagers, the struggles students go through, and how parenting is very commonly mishandled in Singapore.

I remember my mum say, "小孩子没什么可以讲的" in a demeaning tone when she saw the trailer of 小孩不笨2 on TV. This is exactly what this show wants to address, parents who think teaching methods of the 60s still work, people who shut away opinions of their own children. After coming through years of crap my family put me through, this movie had no difficult in establishing an emotional connection. There were many times when I cried during the show, simply because certain scenes remind me explicitly of my life.

I cannot even imagine how many young adults out there are scarred by parents refusing to understand and extremely brutal local academic systems. This scarring becomes fuel for people like me - fuel capable of accomplishing the most destructive, and the most constructive things. Some people choose to make things better, while others drown, and lose themselves in the overwhelming negativity or develop a combination of both.

With bold camera angles, a good use of local dialects and 2 handsome boys, 小孩不笨2 is an inspirational show for anyone that chooses to be inspired, and a great watch.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Me new drawing! That's roughly how it goes from the initial sketch to the final one. Balrog roxx! (No, he's NOT Vega).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cooking tip!

Depending on size, the time used to steam fishes of any kind is probably the second biggest contributing factor to texture. A marginal error in cooking time of 10-20 seconds can make a big difference on how the end product will be like.

Never, EVER steam a large white pomfret (白鲳鱼) for more than 8 minutes 30 seconds. Any more than that and you waste the fish, anything less than 8 and you risk undercooking. For smaller sized pomfrets, go for 7.

Still, the determining factor of taste lies in a fish's freshness. That I will leave to another time, or you can simply consult any professional housewife or househusband for sound advice.

Damn... I told myself not to blog!


I refuse to get on to blogging proper till all this school crap is over!