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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Humanity and Foolery


First watch the clip.

Then read the comments below.

I'll paste some here in case they get drowned out

"Well, the planet will fix itself, after we're gone. Its happened before and will continue in a cycle"

"A lot of this is jus bullshit, Jus trying to scare people."

"There are so many things wrong with this video I don't know where I should start. Well, first off the earth has gone fome molten lava fields and firey lakes to an iceball long before the first factory was built. Second, our accurate records go back only a little loner than 200 years. Third, any previous data is based on ice core samples which are speculative at best .

Fourth, you can't get scientists to agree on anything other than breast milk. Fifth, the biggest polluter last year was Mt. St. Helens, not oil companies. Sixth, there is nothing we can do to stop underwater valcanos. Finally, we can do everything, but that won't stop China and India from operating without envireomental regulations, and if they stopped as well, the global warming scientists say it's to late anyways. Thank you."


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