Oh noes! It's another blog!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I feel like blogging/diarying all these thoughts that I have, but whatever this brain of mine thinks of now has already been thought of by people who existed in the past, some in the present and that who will come in the future. Much greater thoughts even.

And they were/will be written down somewhat. But what's the point of it all when it all will inevitably go to waste? These thoughts are worthless! (Revelations are another matter though) 

On another note, people are churning out songs and drawings so often nowadays. Many records are released everyday, so much creation going on and they too go to waste. How many people are there to listen and see all of these things? And the population'd rather be listening to mindless MTV pop than appreciate what people spend/t lives doing.

What a cruel world. Thank God.


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